Remember the date?
That day was your first time confessing that you love me
And that was my first time replying yours, too
Today is 13/12/15
It's been three years since then
And I love you still.
I always will.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Azani dah grad :D
Assalamualaikum and Hi!
Baru ada masa nak update bloggg (tak, actually banyak je masa tapi malas :p)
But this time rasanya kena update sebab last two weeks there's a very important event telah berlaku in my life. Ha? Apa? Kahwin? Noooo, it's my graduation day! (Walaupun sebenarnya aku tau korang takkan terfikir nak tanya perkataan kahwin tu pun sebab jelas2 tertulis kat tajuk tu aku dah grad hahahaha)
So, alhamdulillah, bersyukur saya ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurnianya saya telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian dalam bidang sains Kimia! Alhamdulillah!
After 3 years of struggling and hardwork (lah sangat) akhirnya berjaya jugak aku naik pentas tak sampai 5 saat untuk menerima sekeping Ijazah Sarjanamuda Sains dengan Kepujian (Kimia).
Jujurnya waktu form 5 dulu aku mana ada target langsung nak amik kimia. Trust me! Takde perkataan kimia langsung dalam target.
Paling bongok sebab ingat senang sangat nak bukak syarikat sendiri bila dah jadi penulis novel? Hahahaha!
Entah macam mana lah aku boleh tersangkut dengan kimia ni. Rasanya sejak kat matrik dulu kot. Tapi waktu kat matrik tu semua subjek aku okay je (dalam course aku lah, which means Physics memang dah out kahkah). So there are Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science.
Comp. Sc tu aku tak minat sangat sebab ada programming bagai, ai kenot brain dear hahaha so, tinggal la Bio, Math dengan Chem. And waktu tu aku fikir kalau amik Bio ni jenuh nak hafal macam2 lepas ni, dah lah cuti lama gila lepas matrik, confirm otak berkarat. Hahaha math pulak, boleh je nak amik sebab aku memang suka math, suka gila gila. Tapi aku risau sebab takut peluang keje sikit. Then, chemistry pulakk, aku suka jugakkkk cuma aku tak suka nak buat lab report bagai. Tapi antara Chem dengan Math, Chem lagi banyak peluang kerja kot?
So, in the end, aku pilih jugak lah Kimia ni sebagai pilihan pertama. Dan yang kedua pulak, maths.
Alhamdulillah, rezeki aku yang telah tertulis di Luh Mahfuz adalah aku dapat pilihan pertama tu. Abah la orang paling happy sebab UKM dekat je sekangkang dari rumah, mana dia tak happy. Takde la jauh sangat dia berpisah dengan anak sulung dia ni.
Dan setelah tiga tahun yang penuh suka dan duka, akhirnya aku tamat jugak pengajian di UKM. Perasaan?
- sedih sebab terpaksa berpisah dengan kawan kawan
- gembira sebab dah terlepas dari azab assignments dan exams
- confuse sebab taktau lepas grad nak buat apa
But now, Allah dah tentukan jalan aku. Daripada aku mula degree, sampai ke intern, sampai sekarang pun rezeki aku masih dalam UKM jugak. Intern mohon berpuluh tempat, tapi yang dapatnya dalam UKM jugak. Institut Sel Fuel. Siapa tau aku akan sambung master kat sini? Haha perancangan Allah indeed is the best :)
Alhamdulillah, takde kata2 yang dapat menggambarkan betapa aku bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada sekarang. Family pun okay, sejak diduga bertubi-tubi dulu, aku dah mula nampak hikmah atas semua yang jadi. Dan hikmahnya tak lain tak bukan, untuk menjadikan aku lebih kuat, dan hubungan kekeluargaan yang lebih rapat. Alhamdulillah, sekarang ni kalau kat rumah takde salah sorang, rase sunyi sangat. Rase tak lengkap. Bila semua ada kat rumah, makan satu meja sama-sama, rasa bahagia sangat. Sebab dulu jarang macam tu :') Walaupun tak mewah macam orang lain, cukuplah andainya kita saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain. That's all matters :)
Penghargaan ditujukan especially untuk family aku, ibu, abah, acik, ejad, adik-adik. Ibu, walaupun tak dapat datang tengok akak tapi kejayaan ni untuk ibu. Doa ibu yg menjayakan akak, semangat yg ibu bg kat akak bila akak tengah sedih, tengah stress, semua tu akak takkan lupa sampai mati. Abah, terima kasih sebab sanggup tahan panas kat luar walaupun dah ajak masuk dewan taknak (geram jugak hahaha) tapi abah sanggup berpanas tunggu akak keluar dewan, belikan bunga etc. Aduhhh lemah betul dah mengalir air mata hahaha
Sobs sobs.
Seterusnya untuk seseorang yang jadi backbone aku since the first day aku masuk UKM. Actually dari sebelum aku masuk UKM pun. My other half, Mr. Hafizul Asyraf bin Ahmad. Terima kasih awak sebab datang haritu, belikan kite bunga, teddy bear yang kite dah bagi nama Pijong tu, pastu culik kite bawak pergi Mines, tengok wayang walaupun lencun kena hujan dalam perjalanan tu. Terima kasih awak. Terima kasih sebab support kite selama ni, marah kite bila kite malas buat keje, bagi semangat kat kite time kite tengah sedih, and the most important thing is that, thank you for being there whenever I need ya :')
Untuk bebigals aku, Shahirah, Myra, Erne, mekasehhhh awak awak sume sebab sudi berkawan ngan ittew. Hahaha. Mai kat depa terus rasa nak tergedik-gedik. Lama tak menggedik. Sobs. Sedih sebab dah tak dapat nak pegi kelas sama-sama, makan sama-sama, tidur sama-sama, malas p kelas pun sama-sama. Tiru assignments berjemaah, exams kenyit2 mata berjemaah. I'm gonna miss all that so much. Good luck kat korang pasni, sama ada bekerja ke sambung belajar ke, may Allah ease everything. Tahniah sume! Muah ciked.
Dan untuk kengkawan yang lain, Amy, Ziera, El, classmates, dan sesiapa yang mengenali, dah grad atau belum tu tak kisah lah, good luck in ur future life, semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kalian. Terima kasih atas ucapan, bunga, semangat dan dorongan yang telah diberikan sepanjang kita berkawan. Minta maaf salah dan silap andai ada yang terguris etc (Biasalah, ayat cliche) Hahaha semoga ukhuwah berkekalan hingga ke syurga <3
And to myself, terima kasih sebab berjaya menjadi seorang yang tabah dan kuat menempuhi segala dugaan hidup. Teruskan hidup dan bersyukur dengan apa yang dah ada sekarang. InsyaAllah.
Till then :)
Dialog di bawah hanya gurauan semata.
Lesson learned? Len kali jangan tulis benda cheesy, kat dunia ni ramai setan bertopengkan manusia hahahahahaha
Baru ada masa nak update bloggg (tak, actually banyak je masa tapi malas :p)
But this time rasanya kena update sebab last two weeks there's a very important event telah berlaku in my life. Ha? Apa? Kahwin? Noooo, it's my graduation day! (Walaupun sebenarnya aku tau korang takkan terfikir nak tanya perkataan kahwin tu pun sebab jelas2 tertulis kat tajuk tu aku dah grad hahahaha)
So, alhamdulillah, bersyukur saya ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurnianya saya telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian dalam bidang sains Kimia! Alhamdulillah!
After 3 years of struggling and hardwork (lah sangat) akhirnya berjaya jugak aku naik pentas tak sampai 5 saat untuk menerima sekeping Ijazah Sarjanamuda Sains dengan Kepujian (Kimia).
Jujurnya waktu form 5 dulu aku mana ada target langsung nak amik kimia. Trust me! Takde perkataan kimia langsung dalam target.
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Bukti! Hahahaha |
Entah macam mana lah aku boleh tersangkut dengan kimia ni. Rasanya sejak kat matrik dulu kot. Tapi waktu kat matrik tu semua subjek aku okay je (dalam course aku lah, which means Physics memang dah out kahkah). So there are Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science.
Comp. Sc tu aku tak minat sangat sebab ada programming bagai, ai kenot brain dear hahaha so, tinggal la Bio, Math dengan Chem. And waktu tu aku fikir kalau amik Bio ni jenuh nak hafal macam2 lepas ni, dah lah cuti lama gila lepas matrik, confirm otak berkarat. Hahaha math pulak, boleh je nak amik sebab aku memang suka math, suka gila gila. Tapi aku risau sebab takut peluang keje sikit. Then, chemistry pulakk, aku suka jugakkkk cuma aku tak suka nak buat lab report bagai. Tapi antara Chem dengan Math, Chem lagi banyak peluang kerja kot?
So, in the end, aku pilih jugak lah Kimia ni sebagai pilihan pertama. Dan yang kedua pulak, maths.
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Klik untuk tumbesaran |
Dan setelah tiga tahun yang penuh suka dan duka, akhirnya aku tamat jugak pengajian di UKM. Perasaan?
- sedih sebab terpaksa berpisah dengan kawan kawan
- gembira sebab dah terlepas dari azab assignments dan exams
- confuse sebab taktau lepas grad nak buat apa
But now, Allah dah tentukan jalan aku. Daripada aku mula degree, sampai ke intern, sampai sekarang pun rezeki aku masih dalam UKM jugak. Intern mohon berpuluh tempat, tapi yang dapatnya dalam UKM jugak. Institut Sel Fuel. Siapa tau aku akan sambung master kat sini? Haha perancangan Allah indeed is the best :)
Alhamdulillah, takde kata2 yang dapat menggambarkan betapa aku bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada sekarang. Family pun okay, sejak diduga bertubi-tubi dulu, aku dah mula nampak hikmah atas semua yang jadi. Dan hikmahnya tak lain tak bukan, untuk menjadikan aku lebih kuat, dan hubungan kekeluargaan yang lebih rapat. Alhamdulillah, sekarang ni kalau kat rumah takde salah sorang, rase sunyi sangat. Rase tak lengkap. Bila semua ada kat rumah, makan satu meja sama-sama, rasa bahagia sangat. Sebab dulu jarang macam tu :') Walaupun tak mewah macam orang lain, cukuplah andainya kita saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain. That's all matters :)
Penghargaan ditujukan especially untuk family aku, ibu, abah, acik, ejad, adik-adik. Ibu, walaupun tak dapat datang tengok akak tapi kejayaan ni untuk ibu. Doa ibu yg menjayakan akak, semangat yg ibu bg kat akak bila akak tengah sedih, tengah stress, semua tu akak takkan lupa sampai mati. Abah, terima kasih sebab sanggup tahan panas kat luar walaupun dah ajak masuk dewan taknak (geram jugak hahaha) tapi abah sanggup berpanas tunggu akak keluar dewan, belikan bunga etc. Aduhhh lemah betul dah mengalir air mata hahaha
Sobs sobs.
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Me aceh abah. Perut tu penting hihihi |
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Herms sis rapuh everytimeee hahahaha |
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Dari kiri: Myra, Erne, awak punya, Shahirah |
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Mekaseh sumee, first time dpt mungeee :3 |
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Credit to Mr. Photographer <3 |
Dialog di bawah hanya gurauan semata.
Lesson learned? Len kali jangan tulis benda cheesy, kat dunia ni ramai setan bertopengkan manusia hahahahahaha
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Pijong: Dalam banyak banyak kawan, siapa paling setan? Me: Mestilah Amy. |
Monday, 19 October 2015
I'm just sad.
I was feeling a bit weary last night.
Because I saw another post that breaks my heart.
You know, I thought I'm only weak when it comes to family matters.
Nope, I was wrong.
I'm also such a weak ass when it comes to friendship thingy.
Best friends things. (Well I'm not sure if its "best friends" anymore tbh)
I've been pretending all this while like I don't care at all.
I don't care if she refuse to apologize.
I don't care if she refuse to text me.
I don't care if she refuse to talk to me.
I don't care if they went out together without telling me.
I. Seriously. Don't. Care.
That's what I've been pretending for all this while.
And last night, I realize that I lied to no one but my own self.
I said I don't care anymore,
but it still fking hurts everytime I saw some pictures of them going out together without me knowing.
You know, it all started a long time ago.
I thought everything can be resolved eventually
But nope, I was wrong.
I don't care if you guys already know/assume that I can't join the hang out that's why you didn't ask but hey, i don't think by telling me that you guys have plans, it is too much to ask for. Is it too much to ask for?
Yeah. I know right.
It'll be different if we got more than 3 friends in a group.
So. I left the group few months ago because i feel like I AM NOT NEEDED ANYMORE by any of them. And guess what, no one cares and no one asked why.
So read here little fella, I saw everything that you tweeted the other day on your another twitter account. Yeap, I saw everything. But I also know that IF YOU REALLY MISS ME AND THE WAY WE USED TO BE, TEXT ME SOMETHING AND DON'T JUST WAIT because i am not the one who ignores you guys right now. You guys were the one who did that to me.
And the worst feeling is that,
I can't help but keep asking myself IF I HAVE EVER, EVER BE A GOOD FRIEND TO ANYONE because i don't understand why some people like you guys keep pushing me away when all I ever wanted was to have a true and loyal friendship!
Pathetic. I know right.
I know I have such a pathetic life.
Thank you.
Because I saw another post that breaks my heart.
You know, I thought I'm only weak when it comes to family matters.
Nope, I was wrong.
I'm also such a weak ass when it comes to friendship thingy.
Best friends things. (Well I'm not sure if its "best friends" anymore tbh)
I've been pretending all this while like I don't care at all.
I don't care if she refuse to apologize.
I don't care if she refuse to text me.
I don't care if she refuse to talk to me.
I don't care if they went out together without telling me.
I. Seriously. Don't. Care.
That's what I've been pretending for all this while.
And last night, I realize that I lied to no one but my own self.
I said I don't care anymore,
but it still fking hurts everytime I saw some pictures of them going out together without me knowing.
You know, it all started a long time ago.
I thought everything can be resolved eventually
But nope, I was wrong.
I don't care if you guys already know/assume that I can't join the hang out that's why you didn't ask but hey, i don't think by telling me that you guys have plans, it is too much to ask for. Is it too much to ask for?
Yeah. I know right.
It'll be different if we got more than 3 friends in a group.
So. I left the group few months ago because i feel like I AM NOT NEEDED ANYMORE by any of them. And guess what, no one cares and no one asked why.
So read here little fella, I saw everything that you tweeted the other day on your another twitter account. Yeap, I saw everything. But I also know that IF YOU REALLY MISS ME AND THE WAY WE USED TO BE, TEXT ME SOMETHING AND DON'T JUST WAIT because i am not the one who ignores you guys right now. You guys were the one who did that to me.
And the worst feeling is that,
I can't help but keep asking myself IF I HAVE EVER, EVER BE A GOOD FRIEND TO ANYONE because i don't understand why some people like you guys keep pushing me away when all I ever wanted was to have a true and loyal friendship!
Pathetic. I know right.
I know I have such a pathetic life.
Thank you.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Broken trust
I always have his back. When everybody stop believing him, I still do. When everybody scold him for nothing, I back him up. When he needed something, I gave him money for him to buy it. Even when I don't have much money, I still give.
What he did was beyond my expectation.
And yeah, I am still and will forever be disappointed.
I trusted him, I trusted him in a way that I let him know my personal account pin number. And I'm just shocked and speechless when I checked some money was missing from my account that day.
I went to the bank to have a bank draft. They gave me a bank draft, stating the withdrawal time etc. The money was withdrawn by using an atm. That was what left me speechless. I was so naive to think that the money actually have gone online, by third parties or whatever it is.
So since that person uses an atm to withdraw the money, that means he has my atm card and he knows my pin number.
Yeah, you hit the mark.
It was embarassing to even look at the bank staff. Because stupidly I asked him who took my money and it came out to be someone I have trusted for so long. Feel me, brothers and sisters?
It's even embarassing that I told my colleague first regarding this matters because I really thought that the money has gone online. And they all know the truth after they accompanied me to the bank.
For once, I felt so betrayed that I can't even look at him.
I have trusted the wrong person and I have never expected him to be that wrong person.
He left me speechless with a wide and deep cut. It may heals one day, but the scar will always, always be there.
And it would be a mistake, if he thinks I would trust him once again.
Be sorry anyway.
Because you were wrong.
And you hurt me.
What he did was beyond my expectation.
And yeah, I am still and will forever be disappointed.
I trusted him, I trusted him in a way that I let him know my personal account pin number. And I'm just shocked and speechless when I checked some money was missing from my account that day.
I went to the bank to have a bank draft. They gave me a bank draft, stating the withdrawal time etc. The money was withdrawn by using an atm. That was what left me speechless. I was so naive to think that the money actually have gone online, by third parties or whatever it is.
So since that person uses an atm to withdraw the money, that means he has my atm card and he knows my pin number.
Yeah, you hit the mark.
It was embarassing to even look at the bank staff. Because stupidly I asked him who took my money and it came out to be someone I have trusted for so long. Feel me, brothers and sisters?
It's even embarassing that I told my colleague first regarding this matters because I really thought that the money has gone online. And they all know the truth after they accompanied me to the bank.
For once, I felt so betrayed that I can't even look at him.
I have trusted the wrong person and I have never expected him to be that wrong person.
He left me speechless with a wide and deep cut. It may heals one day, but the scar will always, always be there.
And it would be a mistake, if he thinks I would trust him once again.
Be sorry anyway.
Because you were wrong.
And you hurt me.
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Assalamualaikum dear fellow readers :)
I have been through quite a lot of things while doing my final year project, which has not officially ended yet (sebab belum hantar tesis berjilid) but nevertheless most of it i can say is already done. Khamis lepas baru je presentation viva and alhamdulillah, sis pun dah redha hahaha
Starts with the lab works, I can say it's quite exhausting but still interesting because dah lama tak masuk lab, and this time lab yang kita nak masuk ni ikut suka hati je nak masuk pukul berapa, nak balik pukul berapa, tak ada sapa kisah. Yang penting, kerja siap dalam waktu yang ditetapkan.
Walaupun ada beberapa incident yang aku rasa tak patut berlaku, especially the one that involves friend and lab partner but I believe everything that happens has it own hikmah. Biasalah, semua orang nak rasa dia bagus, semua orang nak kejar masa, semua orang nak dia siap dulu, semua orang taknak orang lain lebih dari dia.
But remember one thing, selfishness won't bring you anywhere, trust me. Be kind hearted instead, help people when they needed helps. And always appreciate those who have helped you.
Alhamdulillah, there's a lot of things to be grateful for. Semua urusan telah pun dipermudahkan oleh Yang Maha Esa. Sis berjaya siapkan tesis dalam masa yang sepatutnya, berjaya draft, supervisor suka, berjaya hantar ke pusat, dan berjaya habiskan penantian untuk presentation viva.
Bayangkan, turn aku pukul 5 petang, tapi kena datang dari pukul 9 pagi sebab lecturer ukm ni ada sesetengah yang skema sangat, mungkin nak suruh kita tengok orang lain kena bash kot time viva hahaha takdelah, dia kata supaya kita tau jugak pasal research orang lain. But somehow I quite disagree with the idea sebab personally I think, kalau kita tengok orang lain punya presentation pun, waktu tu kita mungkin berada dalam dua keadaan iaitu:
- Tak present lagi, nervous, practice habis-habisan, taknak tengok orang lain present
- Dah present, lantak ko la nak present apa pun yang penting aku dah habis
Oh, mungkin ada satu lagi keadaan di mana member suruh tangkapkan gambar acah acah candid time dia tengah present. Kahkah
So kesimpulannya, semorang pun tak fokus. Hanya yang present dengan lecturer yang dah bersedia nak bash tu je yang fokus.
And when it comes to my turn, alhamdulillah I was able to deliver the message quite well, and the questions that she asked ade sesetengah yang boleh jawab dengan baik dan ada yang krikk krikkk. Biasa lah tu. Aku pun tak expect jugak soalan pertama dia:
"Apa itu metabolit sekunder"
Mak hang la ternganga aku kat situ hahaha soalan basic gila tapi aku tak pernah pulak nak cari definisi metabolit sekunder tu sebab setahu aku compound kimia yang aku isolate tu semua metabolit sekunder. Tapi nak define tu gila blur. Dok pandang2 jugak kat rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang ada kat belakang sana, tapi semua dok sengih sengih ja taktau jugak jawapan.
Tiba-tiba macam ada satu mentol berlampu kat kepala aku pasal apa yang Dr. Jalifah ajar sebelum ni. Pastu aku pun bantai sajalah jawab tentang apa yang aku tau, bahawa metabolit sekunder ni apa2 compound yang wujud dari tapak jalan alkaloid bla bla bla. Nasib baik Dr. Huda time tu hangguk2 je kepala, tandanya logik lah tu. Kahkah!
Banyak jugak soalan dia bagi, berusaha sangat dia nak bash aku ni ha. Tapi berkat doa semorang, satu persatu aku tepis tembakan dia. Kahkah bajet gila. Takdela, aku still jawab dengan penuh hormat walaupun aku dapat rasa dia tak suka aku sejak dari pembentangan proposal lagi. Waktu dia ajar kami time first year dulu, elok je baik je lecturer ni. Pasal time tu dia mengandung. Hahaha. Mungkin taknak perangai turun kat anak kot sebab tu behave. Bila dah takde isi dalam perut, garang dia bukan main lagi.
Tapi tu pengalaman la. Apa yang dia tegur aku angguk2 jela. Dalam hati dok tunggu "Cepat la habis masa". Kalau tak panjang lah pula dia membebel nanti. Hahaa
Aku orang ketiga last present, Shahirah orang last. Kira kami ni penutup jugak la. Habis je Shahirah present, semorang bagi tepukan paling gemuruh. Bukan sebab dia present, tapi sebab semua dah habis present, dah boleh rasa lega yang teramat. Dan yang paling penting, satu azab doonia telah terlepas ye kawan-kawan. Hahaa
Alhamdulillah, thank God everything went smoothly. Walaupun mungkin ada yang tak puas hati dengan cara dia present ke, cara lecturer putar belitkan soalan sampai tak faham ke, yang penting kita semua dah lepas dah benda-benda ni. And the only thing that we should focus on now is our final exams.
This sem ambil 5 subjek, but only 4 yang ada final paper. Tapi dalam empat tu pun semua killer, banyak sangat nak kena cover. Haihh. Okay dah jangan mengeluh. Ada usaha, insyaAllah ada lah hasilnya. 10 days to go before short holiday followed by the internship. All the best semua!! :D
- Prof Mukram kenapa tidur dalam iman tu? Hikhik
- Dr. Muntaz (baju biru), terima kasih sudi jadi pemeriksa proposal dan tesis saya. Walaupun garang tapi........... Hmm saya redha dengan markah yang Dr. nak bagi kat saya lulzzz
- Prof Laily (my supervisor, tiada dalam gambar) kata Dr. muda ni banyak tanya, kadang2 rasa nak marah jugak bila depa bash anak didik dia. HAHA
- Am going to miss you guys a lot. Thank you for these three years that we've been together :')
p/s : Juniors tolong lah pilih supervisor yang boleh menjamin masa depan uols. Dan banyak2 lah berdoa tak dapat pemeriksa yang tutttt hahahhahaha okbai
I have been through quite a lot of things while doing my final year project, which has not officially ended yet (sebab belum hantar tesis berjilid) but nevertheless most of it i can say is already done. Khamis lepas baru je presentation viva and alhamdulillah, sis pun dah redha hahaha
Starts with the lab works, I can say it's quite exhausting but still interesting because dah lama tak masuk lab, and this time lab yang kita nak masuk ni ikut suka hati je nak masuk pukul berapa, nak balik pukul berapa, tak ada sapa kisah. Yang penting, kerja siap dalam waktu yang ditetapkan.
Walaupun ada beberapa incident yang aku rasa tak patut berlaku, especially the one that involves friend and lab partner but I believe everything that happens has it own hikmah. Biasalah, semua orang nak rasa dia bagus, semua orang nak kejar masa, semua orang nak dia siap dulu, semua orang taknak orang lain lebih dari dia.
But remember one thing, selfishness won't bring you anywhere, trust me. Be kind hearted instead, help people when they needed helps. And always appreciate those who have helped you.
Alhamdulillah, there's a lot of things to be grateful for. Semua urusan telah pun dipermudahkan oleh Yang Maha Esa. Sis berjaya siapkan tesis dalam masa yang sepatutnya, berjaya draft, supervisor suka, berjaya hantar ke pusat, dan berjaya habiskan penantian untuk presentation viva.
Bayangkan, turn aku pukul 5 petang, tapi kena datang dari pukul 9 pagi sebab lecturer ukm ni ada sesetengah yang skema sangat, mungkin nak suruh kita tengok orang lain kena bash kot time viva hahaha takdelah, dia kata supaya kita tau jugak pasal research orang lain. But somehow I quite disagree with the idea sebab personally I think, kalau kita tengok orang lain punya presentation pun, waktu tu kita mungkin berada dalam dua keadaan iaitu:
- Tak present lagi, nervous, practice habis-habisan, taknak tengok orang lain present
- Dah present, lantak ko la nak present apa pun yang penting aku dah habis
Oh, mungkin ada satu lagi keadaan di mana member suruh tangkapkan gambar acah acah candid time dia tengah present. Kahkah
So kesimpulannya, semorang pun tak fokus. Hanya yang present dengan lecturer yang dah bersedia nak bash tu je yang fokus.
And when it comes to my turn, alhamdulillah I was able to deliver the message quite well, and the questions that she asked ade sesetengah yang boleh jawab dengan baik dan ada yang krikk krikkk. Biasa lah tu. Aku pun tak expect jugak soalan pertama dia:
"Apa itu metabolit sekunder"
Mak hang la ternganga aku kat situ hahaha soalan basic gila tapi aku tak pernah pulak nak cari definisi metabolit sekunder tu sebab setahu aku compound kimia yang aku isolate tu semua metabolit sekunder. Tapi nak define tu gila blur. Dok pandang2 jugak kat rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang ada kat belakang sana, tapi semua dok sengih sengih ja taktau jugak jawapan.
Tiba-tiba macam ada satu mentol berlampu kat kepala aku pasal apa yang Dr. Jalifah ajar sebelum ni. Pastu aku pun bantai sajalah jawab tentang apa yang aku tau, bahawa metabolit sekunder ni apa2 compound yang wujud dari tapak jalan alkaloid bla bla bla. Nasib baik Dr. Huda time tu hangguk2 je kepala, tandanya logik lah tu. Kahkah!
Banyak jugak soalan dia bagi, berusaha sangat dia nak bash aku ni ha. Tapi berkat doa semorang, satu persatu aku tepis tembakan dia. Kahkah bajet gila. Takdela, aku still jawab dengan penuh hormat walaupun aku dapat rasa dia tak suka aku sejak dari pembentangan proposal lagi. Waktu dia ajar kami time first year dulu, elok je baik je lecturer ni. Pasal time tu dia mengandung. Hahaha. Mungkin taknak perangai turun kat anak kot sebab tu behave. Bila dah takde isi dalam perut, garang dia bukan main lagi.
Tapi tu pengalaman la. Apa yang dia tegur aku angguk2 jela. Dalam hati dok tunggu "Cepat la habis masa". Kalau tak panjang lah pula dia membebel nanti. Hahaa
Aku orang ketiga last present, Shahirah orang last. Kira kami ni penutup jugak la. Habis je Shahirah present, semorang bagi tepukan paling gemuruh. Bukan sebab dia present, tapi sebab semua dah habis present, dah boleh rasa lega yang teramat. Dan yang paling penting, satu azab doonia telah terlepas ye kawan-kawan. Hahaa
Alhamdulillah, thank God everything went smoothly. Walaupun mungkin ada yang tak puas hati dengan cara dia present ke, cara lecturer putar belitkan soalan sampai tak faham ke, yang penting kita semua dah lepas dah benda-benda ni. And the only thing that we should focus on now is our final exams.
This sem ambil 5 subjek, but only 4 yang ada final paper. Tapi dalam empat tu pun semua killer, banyak sangat nak kena cover. Haihh. Okay dah jangan mengeluh. Ada usaha, insyaAllah ada lah hasilnya. 10 days to go before short holiday followed by the internship. All the best semua!! :D
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Congratulations all! |
- Dr. Muntaz (baju biru), terima kasih sudi jadi pemeriksa proposal dan tesis saya. Walaupun garang tapi........... Hmm saya redha dengan markah yang Dr. nak bagi kat saya lulzzz
- Prof Laily (my supervisor, tiada dalam gambar) kata Dr. muda ni banyak tanya, kadang2 rasa nak marah jugak bila depa bash anak didik dia. HAHA
- Am going to miss you guys a lot. Thank you for these three years that we've been together :')
p/s : Juniors tolong lah pilih supervisor yang boleh menjamin masa depan uols. Dan banyak2 lah berdoa tak dapat pemeriksa yang tutttt hahahhahaha okbai
Saturday, 30 May 2015
A horrible nightmare.
It was a fine morning at first. I went to the class as usual, learning with friends, hoping that it's going to be a great day. During our break session, we (my friends and I) went to the cafe. While eating, there's been this news on tv about what happened in Gaza and Palestine, where almost majority of their children and women were killed by those terrorists. We watched it and of course we're sad, the whole Muslims are sad looking at our own brothers and sisters being tortured by them and we can't do anything about it besides praying.
But then, since the situation isn't happening at our place, so we went through the whole day peacefully like everyday (honestly). After class, I made a plan to go back home since I'm free from assignments and classes. I planned to make a surprise to my family by not telling them that I'm going home on that day. Luckily, Erne was going back to her hometown too, so both of us went to ktm ukm by bus. Since my house is located near to the ktm, so I can just walk from there.
But things ain't going well as we planned. During our way to the ktm, the bus was stopped by a few men with guns in their hands. From the place where I sit, I could see that everybody outside the bus were killed and blood splashes are like, everywhere. Erne and I hide behind the seat, hoping that those people won't see us or they will definitely kill us.
But then there's been this kind of background sound of zikrullah playing in my head. And Erne was reciting the syahadah, it's like a sign that we won't get away from them, alive. It's like the world is going to end. It's like we're going to die there. And the saddest thing is that, I haven't met my family yet and I probably won't be able to meet them. That was the last thing on my mind-- my family, before I recited my syahadah as well.
Perhaps the nightmare was some sort of syaitan's disturbance and after I recited my syahadah in that nightmare, alhamdulillah I was able to wake up, but with tears flowing through my eyes. I was terrified. The dream was so real and frightening. I know that dreams are dreams, not necessarily will happen in real life but that doesn't mean dreams can't happen in reality, some dreams may happen.
With what we saw and what we learn, see it for yourself that Malaysia is not that safe anymore. The leader of the country itself is hated by his people. I'm not saying this as a hater as well but I'm afraid if the history will repeat itself. Lets just pray for the best. May Allah protect all of us, Malaysians.
This story was drafted last year, and it takes time for me to publish it, with no reason and no intention to scare any of you who are currently reading this. I just hope that dreams will stay as dreams, even when it is better than the reality.
But then, since the situation isn't happening at our place, so we went through the whole day peacefully like everyday (honestly). After class, I made a plan to go back home since I'm free from assignments and classes. I planned to make a surprise to my family by not telling them that I'm going home on that day. Luckily, Erne was going back to her hometown too, so both of us went to ktm ukm by bus. Since my house is located near to the ktm, so I can just walk from there.
But things ain't going well as we planned. During our way to the ktm, the bus was stopped by a few men with guns in their hands. From the place where I sit, I could see that everybody outside the bus were killed and blood splashes are like, everywhere. Erne and I hide behind the seat, hoping that those people won't see us or they will definitely kill us.
But then there's been this kind of background sound of zikrullah playing in my head. And Erne was reciting the syahadah, it's like a sign that we won't get away from them, alive. It's like the world is going to end. It's like we're going to die there. And the saddest thing is that, I haven't met my family yet and I probably won't be able to meet them. That was the last thing on my mind-- my family, before I recited my syahadah as well.
Perhaps the nightmare was some sort of syaitan's disturbance and after I recited my syahadah in that nightmare, alhamdulillah I was able to wake up, but with tears flowing through my eyes. I was terrified. The dream was so real and frightening. I know that dreams are dreams, not necessarily will happen in real life but that doesn't mean dreams can't happen in reality, some dreams may happen.
With what we saw and what we learn, see it for yourself that Malaysia is not that safe anymore. The leader of the country itself is hated by his people. I'm not saying this as a hater as well but I'm afraid if the history will repeat itself. Lets just pray for the best. May Allah protect all of us, Malaysians.
This story was drafted last year, and it takes time for me to publish it, with no reason and no intention to scare any of you who are currently reading this. I just hope that dreams will stay as dreams, even when it is better than the reality.
Friday, 10 April 2015
Fast and Furious 7
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#ForPaul |
Entri ini adalah entri kacau daun a.k.a entri spoiler a.k.a entri expose cerita sebenar kepada yang belum tengok Fast & Furious 7 lagi. So kalau belum tengok, dan taknak diganggu oleh spoiler macam saya, maka silalah tekan butang x kat atas tu. Hihi.
Last saturday, on 4th April 2015 weols pergi tengok movie yang dah lama ditunggu-tunggu ia keluar iaitu apa lagi kalau bukan Fast & Furious 7 (berapa kali nak sebut entah) Fuh! Tak sangka dah setahun rupanya aku tunggu movie ni keluar. Haaaa.
Punya lah seksaited nak nengok movie, kitorang gerak bebetul lepas zohor untuk beli tiket malam k malam. Bila sampai je IOI tu, perghh beratur dia tak payah cakap lah. Engko datang sebelum subuh pun belum tentu dapat tiket. Kah! K tipu. Yang betulnya, ramai sangat beratur sampaikan turn kitorang nak beli tiket malam, terpaksa duduk seat depan k. Sanggup? Sanggup lah! Tazzabar punya pazzalll. Hahah
Hurm. Awal2 dah shock terkezut dengan kematian Han (#Spoiler1). Kalau taktau Han tu sapa, baik hang tutup blog ni, bukak web yang boleh download FF1 sampai FF6. Kalau tak larat nak download semua, download FF3 ja pun dah cukup -- Tokyo Drift punya. Frust jugak lah pasal dia cool gila kot and scene dia mati sikit sangat. Tau2 je dah mati :(
Okay, move on.
FF7 kali ni bukan pasal kereta semata, tapi lebih kepada makna sebenar sebuah keluarga. Kalau ingat dulu waktu FF1 masing2 baru kenal, before diorang bentuk satu kumpulan, masing2 dengan haluan masing2 je. Tapi sampai FF terakhir ni, boleh nampak betapa kuatnya ikatan kekeluargaan yang terjalin antara semua pelakon, baik dalam cerita mahupun dekat real life.
Dulu mana ada The Rock waktu mula2. Tapi sejak FF berapa tah, The Rock ni pun macam dah termasuk sekali dengan geng diorang. And of course, lead actor yang paling berpengaruh selain Paul Walker adalah Vin Diesel a.k.a Dominic Toretto.
Sedih, sebab yeah as we all know FF7 ni maybe la, maybe akan jadi sequel yang terakhir sebab Paul Walker pun dah tak ada. Walaupun movie ni berjaya dihabiskan, tapi katanya ada antara scene yang depa pakai adik kepada Paul Walker untuk menggantikan tempat beliau dan kemudian di edit digitally (taktau la macam mana depa buat).
Meh kasi tunjuk sikit salah satu kereta sport yang digunakan dalam movie ni. Cekidaut!
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The Beast isn't meant to be kept - Dom |
Sebenarnya yang diorang nak bukanlah kereta ni. Cip kecik dalam kereta tu je yang dorang nak. Lol. Biasalah nak buat movie kenalah gempak sikek. Ahaks! Industri filem melayu bila nak buat gitu? Kah!
Okay, sambung.
Selain daripada kisah kereta, FF7 juga menggambarkan kisah cinta antara Brian dengan Mia dan Dom dengan Letty. Dalam FF7 Letty pulih ingatan dia pun lepas Dom hampir2 nak mati (#Spoiler3). Baca betul betul. Dom HAMPIR-HAMPIR nak mati. Dia tak mati pun. Yang engkorang nampak kat twitter kate spoiler alert pasal Dom mati dalam FF7 tu, ketahuilah korang dah kena kencing. HAHA
Salah satu dialog Letty dan Dom lepas Letty dah pulih ingatan dan Dom hampir nak mati tapi tak mati tu ialah:
Letty: Why didn't you tell me that we were married?
Dom: Because you can't tell people that they love you.
True indeed. Kalau awek kau hilang ingatan, takkan senang2 je kau nak cakap kat dia "Weh kau dulu sayang aku kot. Takkan dulu sayang sekarang tak boleh sayang?"
Lain, bro.
Sebab tu Dom memilih untuk diam. Dah lama juga dia diam pasal benda ni, sejak FF berapa entah yang waktu dorang jumpa Letty balik tu. Time tu dia dah hilang ingatan, meanwhile dorang sume ingat Letty dah mati (beria gila aku cerita HAHA)
Em okay. Lepas dah habis mission mendapatkan seketul cip yang kecil tu, time tu lah baru nampak definisi sebenar keluarga bahagia. Sebab time tu dia tunjuk scene Brian dengan Mia, dengan anak dia yang comel gila tu, tengah main kat pantai (#Spoiler4). Time scene ni, geng lain sume duduk tepi pantai nengok dorang. Beautiful scene. Nampak bahagia. Nampak yang sebenarnya bila Brian dah takda, ada satu 'hole' dalam family tu. Nampak weh. Sedih. Wuwuu
Time tu pulak ada main lagu soundtrack FF7 yang bertajuk "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa. Lagi bertambah sedih. Boleh google sekarang untuk mengetahui lirik dan mendengar lagu #SisSyorkanTapiJanganDengarBanyakKaliNantiNangis tudia panjang hashtag
And one of the precious quotes I found in the movie is from Dom to Brian during the ending scene; very heartbreaking though,
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Digital Paul Walker |
Anyway, that's it. FF7 is basically more of a true friendship and most importantly, they did not own friends, they own a family. And that's all matters :')
Yang belum tengok, aku syorkan lah tengok. Pasal mungkin ni movie terakhir dan mungkin kalau ada pun, dah tak sama sebab lead actor dah berkurang seorang. Mula2 memang kelakar gila lah sampai nak nangis pasal kelakar especially bila tengok gelagat dua mamat negro yang satu geng ngan dorang tu. Ape name tah, aku ingat sorang je si Jet tu. Yang lagi sorang tak ingat. Tapi bila dah last2, air mata gembira kelakar tadi tu akan bertukar jadi airmata sedih nak menggelupur. Hmmmm hahah
So overall review, the movie was amazing, and the ending was everything.
#ForPaul #OneLastRide
#np See You Again - Wiz Khalifa
Till then :')
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Page 1 of 366
Iye ke 366? Ke 365? Ah entah. Hahaha nnt dah sampai Mac April semua malas nak kira dah page berapa kan :p
Anyway hello readers it has been a while since I last updated my blog. Well 2014 has officially ended yesterday. Alhamdulillah, I finally made it to another new year!
Nothing much changed to be honest, because things has finally get back to how it used to be. Everyone was here for me, no one left (I guess). But I somehow must say that 2014 is the most terrible year kot for all Malaysians, and for me personally.
But anyway anyhow we all made it to another new year and hopefully this year is going to be better than the past years. And as a degree student I believe most of us 'celebrate' the end of the year and the first day of new year in a VERY beautiful way (read as: taking final exams). InsyaAllah, this year will be my last year celebrating that way lah lol :p
Tahun ni takde azam. Azam tahun lepas ape entah aku pun dah tak ingat lol. Orang nama Azam pun tak jumpa lagi (motif nak jumpa?) tapi yang pasti, ada beberapa benda yang aku dah achieved during 2014 which are:-
- Driving license *joget joget*
- Sijil kursus kahwin *joget........ eh malu3 hahaha*
- Fon baru *tak berapa baru sangat sebab waktu beli tu rasanya bulan 3-4 kot*
- Laptop.... aaaa tetiba teringat. RIP dear laptop. Skrg pakai laptop pinjam (kot) tak pasti kesahihan pinjam ke bagi terus. Malu nak tanya. Kah3
Hmm lagi ape ye. Macam ada lagi tapi tak ingat (sedapkan hati)
Anyway I'm grateful enough to have experienced some beautiful memories and some bitter memories that gave me some good lessons I guess. InsyaAllah, I'm looking forward to have more happy moments with the people I love :)
Last but not least, thank you to those who stay with me through my ups and downs, I really appreciate it and to those who leave (if any, I can't remember) thank you for the lesson I learnt through it. Sorry for all the hurtful feelings I give and I forgive all of the hurtful feelings you guys gave me (if any) insyaAllah.
Let's open a new book *direct translation from BM hahaha*
Oh, di kesempatan ini juga saya ingin melahirkan rasa simpati kepada mangsa banjir yang kehilangan harta dunia tak kira lah sikit atau pun banyak. Moga Allah ganti dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik buat kalian. Amin ya rabbal 'alamin.
And dear #mh370, ramai masih menunggu awak, walaupun harapan tu dah samar samar. May Allah bless you guys, wherever you guys are :)
Till then, have a nice day and year everyone! Muah ciked.
Anyway hello readers it has been a while since I last updated my blog. Well 2014 has officially ended yesterday. Alhamdulillah, I finally made it to another new year!
Nothing much changed to be honest, because things has finally get back to how it used to be. Everyone was here for me, no one left (I guess). But I somehow must say that 2014 is the most terrible year kot for all Malaysians, and for me personally.
But anyway anyhow we all made it to another new year and hopefully this year is going to be better than the past years. And as a degree student I believe most of us 'celebrate' the end of the year and the first day of new year in a VERY beautiful way (read as: taking final exams). InsyaAllah, this year will be my last year celebrating that way lah lol :p
Tahun ni takde azam. Azam tahun lepas ape entah aku pun dah tak ingat lol. Orang nama Azam pun tak jumpa lagi (motif nak jumpa?) tapi yang pasti, ada beberapa benda yang aku dah achieved during 2014 which are:-
- Driving license *joget joget*
- Sijil kursus kahwin *joget........ eh malu3 hahaha*
- Fon baru *tak berapa baru sangat sebab waktu beli tu rasanya bulan 3-4 kot*
- Laptop.... aaaa tetiba teringat. RIP dear laptop. Skrg pakai laptop pinjam (kot) tak pasti kesahihan pinjam ke bagi terus. Malu nak tanya. Kah3
Hmm lagi ape ye. Macam ada lagi tapi tak ingat (sedapkan hati)
Anyway I'm grateful enough to have experienced some beautiful memories and some bitter memories that gave me some good lessons I guess. InsyaAllah, I'm looking forward to have more happy moments with the people I love :)
Last but not least, thank you to those who stay with me through my ups and downs, I really appreciate it and to those who leave (if any, I can't remember) thank you for the lesson I learnt through it. Sorry for all the hurtful feelings I give and I forgive all of the hurtful feelings you guys gave me (if any) insyaAllah.
Let's open a new book *direct translation from BM hahaha*
Oh, di kesempatan ini juga saya ingin melahirkan rasa simpati kepada mangsa banjir yang kehilangan harta dunia tak kira lah sikit atau pun banyak. Moga Allah ganti dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik buat kalian. Amin ya rabbal 'alamin.
And dear #mh370, ramai masih menunggu awak, walaupun harapan tu dah samar samar. May Allah bless you guys, wherever you guys are :)
Till then, have a nice day and year everyone! Muah ciked.
Doakan saya tak gila sementara nak habiskan final year.
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