
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Currently bothered by few things but don't know how to tell and where to start. So I come out with a du'a instead.

Oh Allah,
Forgive me if I went too much.
Forgive me if I ever be rude to my parents.
Forgive me if I can't control myself at times.
Forgive me if I end up complaining about everything You ever gave.

Oh Allah,
If I ever get married,
If I ever get the chance to become a mother,
Please always remind me,
Not to ask anything from my daughters and sons,
For my own benefits.
Please always remind me,
Not to be selfish.
Please always remind me,
To give the very best to them.

Oh Allah,
Help me to understand the hikmah between everything that happened.
I believe in You.

Ameen Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.

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